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Interesting Quotes about Natural Remedies from Naturopaths

We can actually find in nature itself a big deal of remedies and medicines that we need in order to help us heal some concerns in our bodies. Pills and synthetic drugs are what the western medicine are relying heavily upon, but some are already getting interested on naturopaths and practitioners of the Chinese traditional medicine. With this growing interest, it shows that man-made medicine as natural remedies have already made a big impact on our health, and there are quotes from our smart folks to remind us about.

There is a quotation from Hippocrates, the person attributed as the father of medicine, who said Let your food be your medicineand your medicine be your food that signifies and supports naturopaths in using nutrition as our first medicine.

Another wise words from Thomas Edison, who may not have been a doctor, but was surely hinting to natural remedies when he said that future doctors will not give medicine but will focus care on the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.

In the mainstream studies for example, the powerful effects of CBD or hemp oils are claimed to treat several kind of illnesses.

There is another quote that reminds us of how important is the great outdoors for our health, and Louisa Lust specifically expressed it when she said Do not mind if the furniture, curtains, draperies, etc. will fade. It is better to let them fade than you should. Ironically, because of fear of skin cancer, air pollution and others, we hide from the sun and fresh air, but what we do not realize is that we can get many health benefits from fresh air and sunshine.

The next quote that would remind us how important living a healthy lifestyle is to our body came from Father Sebastian Kneipp that went to say Those who do not find every day for healthmust sacrifice a lot of time one day for illness and since in truth diseases are inevitable, we can avoid being sick by simply making conscious efforts each day to keep ourselves healthy.

According to Henry Lindlahr People are beginning to realizethat it is cheaper and more advantageous to prevent disease rather than to cure it and this quote reinforce with what Father Sebastian had to say, for healthy living would save us money and will avoid us to spend time on being ill.

It is claimed that there is a huge amount of money spent in the US on healthcare alone, and if people would start to focus on health and disease prevention, the figure could go down.