
1) There are so many things that should kept in mind always. You should have marketing strategy. You have the capability to identifying strategy that works, that time. How accurately estimate the current market value of investment properties.2) If you have been dying to start your very own business and have a marketable idea, you can sell your product or service through the internet. Why settle for the local market when you can go global? The beauty with the Internet is that there are many users out there with a portion which can provide your business with a solid customer base. You can work with even a small amount of money as investment. Find a cheap hosting service and you can now have your very own web site. You can even get very lucky and hook up with a free hosting service. If you find keeping a web site is too much for you, go with blogging services instead and sell your products from there.But it is a responsibility for you to write something which is valuable to the price and what ever content you had wrote must be correct or true information. It is the reason why most of the selling webs having money guarantee service to customer.